Returned Column Descriptions

Here is a description of the columns returned as a table.
Row No.row number of the returned record
NameName of the object or source. If Status = O, links to NED object information.
StatusO: object, S: source.
Typeobject type (e.g. G, UvS, List of Object Types)
RAEquatorial right ascension in HHhMMmSS.SSSSs
DecEquatorial declination in DDdMMmSS.SSSSs
Longitudelongitude in decimal degrees for Ecliptic, Galactic and Supergalactic coordinate systems
Latitudelatitude in decimal degrees for Ecliptic, Galactic and Supergalactic coordinate systems
Separation [arcmin]Separation is the distance of the object from the requested position in arc minutes.
Refcode NED reference code
Redshift(z) redshift value for the object
Redshift(z) Uncertaintyuncertainty in redshift value
Redshift(z) Flagredshift type code (e.g. : = uncertain, PHOT = photometric)
Refslinks to literature references by refcode, if they exist
Noteslinks to object notes, if they exist
Photlinks to photometry, if they exist
Posnlinks to positions, if they exist
Vel/zlinks to velocities/redshifts, if they exist
Diamlinks to diameters or sizes, if they exist
links to associations, if they exist
links to images, if they exist
links to spectra, if they exist